Blended Leg

Just a general needlework and cross stitch blog

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I can stop anytime... really!

I started that purple Ink Circles freebie in MLI's Needlepaints colors. I'm not wild about how it's turning out. I think either the darkest or lightest shade is off. But I'm over halfway done with that mini-project which is a Good Thing, since I went and bought some Vikki Clayton HDF silks for the Celtic Mystery SAL. I dithered over my choices for the longest time until someone posted their choices. Everyone wanted the bright bright colors and I wanted to pull it back just a little. You can earn points by ordering and participating in her forums and suddenly you'll have enough for something else. It's an icy treacherous slippery slope I walk on, because all of her colors are so lovely. But I can stop anytime, really. (In the immortal words of Miss Betty Roberts of Elkhart, Indiana -- "I admit it! I'm an addicted... addict!") They should be here any day now. I just have to lie in wait for the mailperson and find an appropriate fabric.



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