Blended Leg

Just a general needlework and cross stitch blog

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Best laid plans...

We appear to have hit a snag. Or is it a slub? Yesterday I went over to my local needlework store to see if they could match my mystery fabric. I was hoping it'd be a simple painless process. I should have known it wouldn't be nearly that easy. We went through nearly every neutral/beige/off-white fabric sample they had in the store. The closest thing was the Jobelan Lambswool and even that was way off the mark. We know it's a 28 count and we think it's an evenweave. It doesn't have the scratchy feel of a linen, so maybe it has some cotton in it. Maybe it really is like going through piles of old socks for that one off-white pair. This one's too yellow, that's one's not bright enough, that has the wrong consistency... *sighs* So I'm still looking for my dream fabric. I may see if I can visit one of the other stores in the area, either Scarlet Thread in Vienna or In Stitches in Alexandria.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I have post?

My first order from HDF arrived! I stalked the post office long distance via the tracking info. I was worried it'd get booted over the post office. Long drawn out story, suffice it say my apartment building is having issues. But the infamous white envelope is here. The colors are quite lovely and silky smooth to the touch. I'm a little torn now. The floss of the month included a very very pretty blue and I'm already thinking of replacing the dark blue I chose. Does Blueberry Soup go with Magpie Twitters?

Anyway, here is the floss toss for my Celtic Mystery SAL. I hope the pictures worked out. My digital camera needs replacing.

I'm amazed the fabric color worked out so well. Unfortunately it's a stand-in piece of fabric because it's nowhere near big enough for the project. Going by my measuring tape, it appears to be 28 count. I'll need to go off to the LNS and see if they match this fellow up to its maker. It's not quite matching socks...


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I can stop anytime... really!

I started that purple Ink Circles freebie in MLI's Needlepaints colors. I'm not wild about how it's turning out. I think either the darkest or lightest shade is off. But I'm over halfway done with that mini-project which is a Good Thing, since I went and bought some Vikki Clayton HDF silks for the Celtic Mystery SAL. I dithered over my choices for the longest time until someone posted their choices. Everyone wanted the bright bright colors and I wanted to pull it back just a little. You can earn points by ordering and participating in her forums and suddenly you'll have enough for something else. It's an icy treacherous slippery slope I walk on, because all of her colors are so lovely. But I can stop anytime, really. (In the immortal words of Miss Betty Roberts of Elkhart, Indiana -- "I admit it! I'm an addicted... addict!") They should be here any day now. I just have to lie in wait for the mailperson and find an appropriate fabric.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I need a new project obviously...

So the cross stitch bug is back.

Or I have to assume so, if I'm thinking seriously about starting a new project.

I was looking at Ink Circles' new Celtic Mystery Stitchalong. A Mystery is where there's a piece of the project revealed each month. This one looks like a Celtic parchment. Loving all things Celtic, I went "Oooh, I could do that!" until I looked at the dimensions of the full piece and boggled a little. But I saved the first pdf for future reference. You never know. I'll need to do a bit of thinking for colors/fabric anyway.

Maybe I'll start a little smaller with one of their other complimentary charts. I'm eyeing the purple one for May, especially since I might have all the supplies I'd need. I still have TIAG's Needlepaints in my stash. The purple range would be perfect. The only minus of this designer is they work in generalities. They feel you should be free to pick out your own colorways, rather than be hidebound by what has worked in a precise design. And while that's lovely in theory, some of us are better off letting others choose colors. Ooh, they have blackwork too...

There are a pair of color packs, both a "Rainbow Brite" and the more muted colorway chosen by the designer. I know the colors in Celtic artwork are bright, but not that bright!

I'm trying to come up with a conversion for Vikki Clayton's pretty silks. Her board is really helpful so far. I should have plenty of time to make my fabric/floss choices before the next section is released. I think I might have a fabric color, but I'll have to find out what it is, because the piece I have isn't big enough. I really need to write the fabric count and color somewhere when I buy them. The frame of the carpet page is huge.
